Why I Stopped Tithing, and Why You Should Too

In a world filled with a myriad of religious beliefs and practices, tithing has long been a contentious topic. The act of tithing, which involves giving a portion of one’s income to a religious organization, has been upheld as a virtuous practice by many faiths. However, a growing body of literature has challenged the traditional notions surrounding tithing. One such piece of literature is the book The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel (The Tithing Conspiracy). This eye-opening book has led me to reevaluate my perspective on tithing and reconsider its place in my spiritual journey.

Questioning Tradition

For years, tithing was deeply ingrained in my religious upbringing as an act of obedience and faith. The idea that giving ten percent of my income to the church was a divine obligation seemed unquestionable. It was only after I stumbled upon “The Tithing Conspiracy” that my perception of this practice began to shift. The book delves into the historical, theological, and practical aspects of tithing, challenging its legitimacy and shedding light on what the author argues are the misleading interpretations and manipulative tactics that have perpetuated this practice.

Unmasking Misconceptions

“The Tithing Conspiracy” presents a thorough examination of the origins of tithing, tracing its roots back to ancient cultures and societies where agricultural produce was offered as a tribute to support the priest that worked in the temple. The book highlights how the concept of tithing evolved over time, undergoing various interpretations in different religious contexts.

Furthermore, the book critically analyzes the scriptural basis for tithing, revealing inconsistencies and discrepancies in its interpretation. It questions the applicability of Old Testament practices in a modern context and challenges the rigid ten percent benchmark as an arbitrary standard that lacks biblical support. This fresh perspective invites readers to reconsider the notion that tithing is a divinely mandated practice for New Testament believers.

Prosperity Gospel and Manipulation

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to scrutinizing the link between tithing and the prosperity gospel, a theological belief that emphasizes material wealth and financial success as signs of God’s favor. “The Tithing Conspiracy” exposes how certain religious leaders have manipulated the practice of tithing to propagate the prosperity gospel, creating a culture of guilt and fear around financial giving. The book contends that this manipulation has led to the exploitation of vulnerable individuals who seek divine blessings and financial security.

Personal Reflection and Action

Reading “The Tithing Conspiracy” prompted me to reflect on my own motivations for tithing. I realized that I had been driven more by fear and guilt than by a genuine desire to contribute to my faith community. The book encouraged me to reevaluate the purpose of giving and to consider alternative ways of supporting causes that align with my values.

Seek Deeper Understanding

If you find yourself grappling with the idea of tithing or have ever questioned its validity, I encourage you to explore “The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel.” This book serves as an excellent starting point for delving into the historical, theological, and practical dimensions of tithing. By gaining a deeper understanding of the origins and interpretations of tithing, you can make an informed decision about its place in your spiritual journey.

Reevaluate Your Beliefs

“The Tithing Conspiracy” challenges readers to reevaluate their beliefs and assumptions about tithing. As you engage with the book’s thought-provoking content, take time to reflect on your own motivations for giving and the impact of those contributions on your spiritual growth. By critically examining the ideas presented in the book, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and make choices that resonate with your personal convictions.

To delve deeper into the discussion surrounding tithing and its impact on your spiritual journey, click here to access The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel.

The Changing Landscape: Why Tithing is Outdated

In the modern world, where societal norms and values evolve rapidly, it’s essential to critically examine practices that have stood the test of time. One such practice that has garnered increasing scrutiny is tithing. Traditionally associated with religious teachings and financial contributions, tithing’s relevance in today’s changing landscape is being questioned more than ever. As explored in the book The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel, authored by Terrence Jameson, this article delves into the main points of the book to shed light on why tithing is considered outdated in contemporary society.

Redefining Generosity

Tithing, as outlined in many religious doctrines, refers to the practice of giving a portion (usually 10%) of one’s income to the religious institution they are affiliated with. The act is often portrayed as a form of devotion, with promises of blessings and prosperity for those who faithfully tithe. However, critics argue that the concept of tithing may not align with the evolving understanding of generosity.

In a world where philanthropy and charity transcend religious boundaries, the notion of giving solely to a religious institution appears restrictive. Modern society encourages individuals to be compassionate and contribute to causes that have a global impact. Supporting education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, and environmental conservation are just a few examples of how generosity is being redefined. By directing financial resources towards these causes, individuals can create a broader positive influence on society.

Questioning the Prosperity Gospel

The “prosperity gospel,” closely tied to the practice of tithing, suggests that material wealth and success are indicative of God’s favor. Those who adhere to this belief often feel compelled to give more, in anticipation of increased blessings. However, this theology has faced extensive criticism for oversimplifying complex matters and exploiting vulnerable individuals.

The book “The Tithing Conspiracy” highlights how the prosperity gospel’s teachings can lead to financial strain for individuals who feel obligated to give beyond their means. Critics argue that focusing on monetary contributions to attain blessings undermines the essence of spirituality and promotes a transactional relationship with faith. As society becomes more attuned to issues of authenticity and genuine connection, the prosperity gospel’s prominence diminishes.

Financial Responsibility and Transparency

A crucial aspect discussed in “The Tithing Conspiracy” is the lack of transparency surrounding how tithes are utilized within religious institutions. Concerns about mismanagement of funds, lack of accountability, and cases of financial exploitation have led many to reevaluate their contributions. In a time when access to information is unparalleled, individuals demand transparency from the organizations they support.

Calls for financial responsibility extend to personal financial management as well. The book emphasizes the importance of informed decision-making when it comes to monetary contributions. Financial experts advise that individuals should prioritize saving, investment, and responsible spending over blindly adhering to traditional tithing practices that might not align with their financial goals.

Shifting Religious Landscape

Religion itself is undergoing a transformation in the modern era. Traditional notions of religious affiliation and practice are being redefined as spirituality becomes more personalized. People are exploring various paths, often combining aspects from different belief systems to create their own unique faith journey. This shift challenges the rigid structures of organized religion, including traditional tithing practices.

As religious institutions adapt to this changing landscape, there is a growing recognition that meaningful engagement and spiritual growth cannot be measured solely through financial contributions. The emphasis is shifting towards fostering a sense of community, promoting social justice, and encouraging individual growth through diverse experiences.

To delve deeper into the evolving concepts of generosity and meaningful contribution, click here.

Robbing God: Why Tithing is No Longer a Necessity

For centuries, the practice of tithing has held a prominent place in various religious traditions, often touted as a divine mandate to support the work of God. However, in recent times, a growing body of scholarship and critical examination has challenged the legitimacy of this practice. The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel (The Tithing Conspiracy) is a thought-provoking book that sheds light on the historical, theological, and ethical aspects of tithing. In this article, we will delve into the main points from the book to explore why tithing may no longer be the necessity it’s often claimed to be.

The Historical Context of Tithing

Tithing, the act of giving a tenth of one’s income, has its roots in ancient agricultural societies where crops and livestock were the primary forms of wealth. The book highlights that tithing was primarily an agricultural practice designed to support the Levites and priests in ancient Israel, not a universal principle applicable to all believers. Over time, this practice evolved, and the application of tithing to modern income is not straightforward. Many proponents of tithing point to the Old Testament scriptures as a basis for their arguments, but the book challenges these interpretations by emphasizing the cultural and historical context that shaped those passages.

Misinterpretation of Biblical Texts

The Tithing Conspiracy emphasizes that many modern teachings on tithing selectively pick passages from the Bible, often ignoring the broader context and intent of those verses. The book reveals that the New Testament provides a different perspective on giving, advocating for cheerful and purposeful giving without prescribing a fixed percentage. The book contends that proponents of tithing may be misusing scripture to justify their financial demands, urging readers to critically examine these teachings.

The Prosperity Gospel Connection

Tithing has often been closely linked with the Prosperity Gospel movement, which promises financial blessings and prosperity to those who tithe faithfully. The book scrutinizes this connection and exposes potential manipulation of believers’ emotions and desires for financial security. Critics argue that the Prosperity Gospel and its tithing requirements can lead to undue pressure on vulnerable individuals, fostering an environment of guilt and shame if they do not tithe as expected.

Financial Burden on Vulnerable Believers

One of the book’s core arguments is that tithing can impose a disproportionate burden on those least able to afford it. This can be especially problematic in communities where individuals are struggling financially yet feel obligated to tithe to avoid the perceived consequences of disobeying God’s commands. The book challenges religious leaders to consider the potential harm that insisting on tithing might cause to their congregants’ well-being.

The Evolving Nature of Religious Giving

As society and economics have evolved, so have the ways in which individuals support their religious communities. The book highlights the various ways people can contribute, including time, skills, and financial resources, while questioning the one-size-fits-all approach of tithing. It suggests that encouraging a more diverse range of contributions could foster a stronger sense of community and a deeper connection to one’s faith.

In conclusion, The Tithing Conspiracy provides a comprehensive critique of the traditional practice of tithing and its implications within contemporary religious contexts. The historical, theological, and ethical arguments presented in the book challenge the long-held notion that tithing is an absolute necessity for believers. As individuals seek to align their beliefs with their actions, critical examination of these teachings becomes essential.

While the debate surrounding tithing is complex and multifaceted, The Tithing Conspiracy invites readers to explore alternative perspectives and reconsider the role of tithing in their spiritual journey. It encourages individuals to engage in open dialogues with their religious leaders, study the scriptures within their historical context, and reflect on the broader implications of their giving choices.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into this thought-provoking topic, I encourage you to click here to read The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the historical and theological aspects of tithing, shedding light on its complexities.

Money Matters: The Evolving Role of Tithing in Modern Life

In an age where financial beliefs and practices are continually evolving, it’s essential to examine the role of tithing in modern society. The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel (The Tithing Conspiracy) by Terrence Jameson sheds light on the history, misconceptions, and evolving perspectives surrounding tithing and the prosperity gospel. In this article, we will delve into the main points of the book and explore how the concept of tithing has adapted to the changing landscape of modern life.

The Historical Context of Tithing

Tithing, the practice of giving a portion of one’s income to religious institutions, has deep historical roots. Traditionally, tithing was often associated with religious duty, providing for the upkeep of religious infrastructure and supporting clergy members. However, The Tithing Conspiracy suggests that the modern interpretation of tithing has been distorted by the so-called prosperity gospel—a doctrine that promises financial blessings in return for faithful giving. This raises questions about whether tithing, as practiced today, aligns with its original intent.

Unveiling Misconceptions

One of the key revelations from the book is the exposure of various misconceptions associated with tithing and the prosperity gospel. Critics argue that proponents of the prosperity gospel have manipulated scripture to emphasize material wealth as a reward for faithful giving. The Tithing Conspiracy highlights how some religious leaders have capitalized on people’s desires for financial stability, encouraging them to give generously in hopes of receiving financial blessings in return. This has led to an imbalance where giving is often driven by self-interest rather than altruism.

The Evolving Role of Tithing

In today’s society, the role of tithing is undergoing a significant transformation. As people become more educated and interconnected, they are questioning traditional beliefs and practices. The book argues that the pressure to tithe based on promises of financial gain is losing its appeal. Instead, there is a growing desire for transparency and accountability in religious institutions. Modern individuals want to know exactly how their contributions are being used and how they are making a positive impact on their communities.

Reevaluating Giving in the Digital Age

The digital age has brought about new ways of contributing to causes and organizations. Online platforms and digital wallets have made it easier for people to give directly to specific projects and initiatives they are passionate about. This shift challenges the traditional structure of tithing, where funds are often pooled and distributed by religious institutions. As a result, some individuals are choosing to bypass tithing altogether and allocate their resources to more transparent and direct forms of giving.

Seek Knowledge and Understanding

The Tithing Conspiracy invites readers to dig deeper into the historical, theological, and practical aspects of tithing. Understanding the origins of this practice and the controversies surrounding it empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their financial contributions. To explore these topics further, click here.

Rediscovering the Spirit of Generosity

While the role of tithing may be evolving, the underlying principle of generosity remains timeless. Beyond religious institutions, individuals are realizing the importance of giving back to their communities and making a positive impact. This shift towards a more genuine and compassionate approach to giving aligns with the broader values of social responsibility and empathy.

Engage in Purposeful Giving

As you navigate your financial journey, consider the ways in which you can contribute to causes that resonate with your values. Whether through traditional tithing, direct donations, or volunteer work, your actions can create meaningful change.

From Obligation to Choice: Rethinking the Purpose of Tithing

Tithing, a practice deeply rooted in religious traditions, has long been a subject of debate and controversy. For centuries, believers have been taught that tithing is a mandatory obligation, an act of faithfulness and obedience to their spiritual community. However, recent discussions stemming from books like The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel have ignited a fresh perspective on this age-old practice. In this article, we’ll explore the main points from the book and discuss the shift from obligatory tithing to a more thoughtful, intentional choice, opening up a new dialogue on its purpose and impact.

Questioning the Tradition

The Tithing Conspiracy challenges the traditional narrative of tithing as an obligation and delves into the historical, cultural, and theological contexts that have contributed to its prevalence. The book highlights that tithing, as practiced in many religious institutions, often involves a strict 10% monetary contribution of one’s income. This unyielding rule can lead to feelings of guilt, stress, and financial strain for individuals who may already be facing economic challenges. The book questions whether this rigid interpretation aligns with the true essence of spirituality and faith.

Reexamining Biblical Teachings

One of the primary arguments against the mandatory nature of tithing is the interpretation of biblical teachings. The Tithing Conspiracy emphasizes that the tithe, as originally mentioned in ancient texts, was more diverse than the modern-day monetary expectation. In fact, tithes historically comprised various forms of produce, livestock, and goods rather than a fixed percentage of income. This more flexible understanding allows room for a reevaluation of how tithing can be relevant in contemporary contexts.

Shifting to Intentional Giving

Rather than an obligatory contribution, the book suggests that tithing should evolve into a practice of intentional giving. This shift involves moving away from the pressure of adhering to a set percentage and instead focusing on the genuine desire to support one’s spiritual community and those in need. This perspective emphasizes the heart behind the act of giving rather than the exact amount donated. When giving is motivated by compassion and empathy, it can foster a stronger sense of community and shared purpose.

Empowerment Through Choice

One of the key takeaways from The Tithing Conspiracy is the idea that individuals should have the autonomy to decide how and where their contributions can make the most meaningful impact. By shifting tithing from an obligation to a choice, believers gain the freedom to allocate their resources to causes they are truly passionate about. This empowerment not only benefits the giver’s sense of purpose but also allows charitable organizations and initiatives to receive support tailored to their specific needs.

Opening the Dialogue

As the conversation around tithing continues to evolve, it is essential for religious communities to open up meaningful dialogues that address the purpose and impact of giving. By acknowledging the various viewpoints on tithing, institutions can foster an environment where believers feel heard and supported in their personal decisions. This inclusivity encourages a deeper engagement with the spiritual community, rooted in shared values and a mutual commitment to positive change.

Learn and Engage

Are you curious about redefining the purpose of tithing and its impact on your faith journey? Delve deeper into this topic by exploring the insights shared in The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel. Gain a fresh perspective on how giving can transform from obligation to choice, fostering a more compassionate and intentional approach to supporting your community. Click here to learn more about the book and its thought-provoking ideas.

Debunking the Prosperity Gospel: Exploring Alternatives to Tithing

In the realm of religious teachings and practices, few concepts have garnered as much controversy and debate as the Prosperity Gospel. Rooted in the belief that financial blessings are directly linked to one’s faith and monetary contributions, this doctrine has gained prominence in various Christian circles. However, The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel (The Tithing Conspiracy) challenges these notions and provides a thought-provoking perspective on the matter. In the paragraphs below, we’ll delve into the main points of the book and explore alternative viewpoints to the Prosperity Gospel, focusing on the concept of tithing.

The Prosperity Gospel: A Brief Overview

At the heart of the Prosperity Gospel lies the idea that God rewards faithfulness and financial contributions with material wealth and success. This belief has led to the proliferation of charismatic preachers promising miraculous financial breakthroughs to those who sow monetary seeds into their ministries. However, The Tithing Conspiracy questions the legitimacy of these claims, shedding light on the potential harm they can cause to individuals seeking spiritual fulfillment.

Deconstructing the Misinterpretation of Tithing

The book raises a crucial point regarding the misinterpretation of the concept of tithing within the Prosperity Gospel framework. Tithing, traditionally understood as giving a tenth of one’s income, has been manipulated to enforce a legalistic obligation rather than a heartfelt expression of gratitude. This book highlights that the modern emphasis on tithing as a means to financial prosperity detracts from its intended purpose: supporting the welfare of the community and aiding those in need.

Understanding the True Purpose of Tithing

An alternative viewpoint to the Prosperity Gospel emphasizes the altruistic nature of tithing. Instead of focusing solely on financial gain, this perspective sees tithing as an act of generosity and compassion. By contributing to the welfare of others, individuals create a sense of community and promote social justice. The Tithing Conspiracy underscores the importance of re-establishing this fundamental aspect of tithing, encouraging believers to direct their resources toward endeavors that uplift society.

Balancing Faith and Financial Responsibility

Another crucial theme in the book is the balance between faith and financial responsibility. The Prosperity Gospel often promotes the idea that financial struggles stem from insufficient faith, which can lead to feelings of guilt and inadequacy. However, The Tithing Conspiracy challenges this notion by highlighting that financial difficulties can arise due to a variety of factors, many of which are beyond an individual’s control. This perspective encourages a more holistic approach to managing finances while nurturing one’s spiritual growth.

Exploring Alternatives: A Holistic Approach

Beyond the Prosperity Gospel, many spiritual leaders advocate for a holistic approach to giving and personal growth. This approach involves focusing on developing virtues such as humility, empathy, and selflessness. By nurturing these qualities, individuals can make meaningful contributions to their communities and help address pressing societal issues. The Tithing Conspiracy supports this perspective, urging believers to explore avenues that align with their values and promote the common good.

Seek Knowledge and Discernment

To delve deeper into the concepts discussed in The Tithing Conspiracy, it is essential to pursue further knowledge and discernment. Understanding the historical context of tithing, exploring diverse interpretations, and engaging in open dialogues with knowledgeable individuals can provide a well-rounded perspective. Click here to access additional resources that shed light on the complexities of tithing and the Prosperity Gospel.

Embrace a Balanced Perspective

As you navigate the intricate landscape of faith and finances, remember that a balanced perspective is vital. Strive to maintain a healthy relationship with money while cultivating qualities of compassion and generosity. Click here to discover practical tips for aligning your financial practices with your spiritual values.

Additional Resources:

Click here to learn more about the history of tithing, its interpretations, and its role in different religious contexts. Gain insights that will empower you to engage in informed discussions about tithing and its implications.

Click here to discover practical ways to align your financial decisions with your spiritual values. Embrace a balanced perspective that promotes both personal growth and positive contributions to your community.

Breaking the Mold: Tithing’s Fading Relevance in Today’s World

In a rapidly evolving world where values, beliefs, and practices constantly shift, it’s imperative to reevaluate traditional customs and rituals. One such practice that has been a cornerstone of many religious communities for centuries is tithing. However, as society transforms and our understanding of spirituality deepens, the relevance of tithing is being questioned more than ever before. This article delves into the main points highlighted in the book The Tithing Conspiracy: Exposing the Lies & False Teachings About Tithing and the Prosperity Gospel, shedding light on why tithing’s significance is fading in today’s world.

Tithing: A Historical Perspective

Tithing, the act of giving a portion of one’s income to the church or religious institution, has been deeply ingrained in religious practices for centuries. Rooted in ancient scriptures, the practice was initially intended to support religious leaders, maintain places of worship, and assist those in need. However, as societies progressed, the way people earned, shared, and allocated resources evolved significantly.

Challenging the Prosperity Gospel

The Tithing Conspiracy emphasizes the concept of the Prosperity Gospel, which has gained prominence in recent decades. This teaching suggests that financial prosperity and well-being are directly linked to one’s level of faith and the amount of money they give, particularly in the form of tithes and offerings. While proponents of this doctrine argue that tithing leads to blessings and abundance, critics contend that it fosters a skewed understanding of spirituality and perpetuates financial exploitation.

Tithing in Modern Context

As economies globalize and digital advancements reshape how we interact with money, the relevance of tithing becomes increasingly nuanced. In a world where wealth distribution and socio-economic inequalities are glaring, many individuals are opting to support causes that directly address pressing issues, such as poverty, education, and healthcare. This shift in focus challenges the traditional model of tithing, which often directs funds towards the maintenance of religious institutions.

Transparency and Accountability

One of the key concerns highlighted in the book is the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding tithing practices. With increasing reports of financial misconduct and misuse of funds within religious organizations, individuals are becoming more cautious about where their contributions are going. The demand for clear financial reporting and ethical management of funds has led to a reevaluation of tithing’s relevance in today’s world.

Redefining Generosity

Modern spirituality is often intertwined with a broader sense of social responsibility and altruism. Many individuals are now channeling their resources towards initiatives that create tangible positive impacts on society. The focus has shifted from institutional support to causes that align with personal values and contribute to the greater good. This redefinition of generosity challenges the notion that tithing is the only way to fulfill one’s spiritual duty.

The Changing Role of Religious Institutions

Religious institutions themselves have undergone transformations in the modern era. While they continue to play vital roles in communities, their functions have expanded beyond spiritual guidance to encompass a variety of community services, including counseling, education, and social support. Consequently, the financial demands on these institutions have evolved, prompting discussions about the most effective ways to sustain their operations and fulfill their missions.

Seeking Deeper Understanding

If you find yourself intrigued by the changing landscape of tithing and its relevance in the 21st century, delve deeper into the insights offered by “The Tithing Conspiracy.” This thought-provoking book provides a comprehensive analysis of historical contexts, modern challenges, and alternative approaches to supporting religious and social causes. To explore these perspectives further, click here and embark on a journey of discovery.

Embracing New Paradigms of Giving

As we navigate the complexities of a dynamic world, it’s crucial to adapt our beliefs and practices to align with our evolving understanding of spirituality and social responsibility. Rather than adhering blindly to traditions, let’s explore new ways of giving that resonate with our values and contribute to positive change. To explore innovative approaches to generosity and discover how you can make a meaningful impact, click here. Your journey towards a more enlightened perspective on giving awaits.

Church Fight After Pastor Request $1,000 From Each Member

When will people wake up to this foolish and stop bankrolling false prophets, fake pastors, and corrupt ministries?

New Era Detroit held a protest against Bishop Wayne T. Jackson (Now Apostle) at Great Faith Ministries International in 2016. This video that is now going viral online details the scuffle that ensued after the protest began.

The mayhem started on the Pastor’s (Apostle’s) Birthday Celebration a few minutes before the church was to broadcast nationally on television. A man in the audience started protesting in the middle of the aisle as Apostle Jackson took the pulpit. After the pastor requested removal of the man, other people in the audience came up to help him protest. A fight broke out, and the protesters were removed from the church. It was later found out that the person who started the protest was a man named Zeek, president of New Era Detroit, a local activist group.

The protest was organized due to the fact that there was an offering request of $1,000 and $300 the Saturday before. Zeek stated that he witnessed the offering and wondered why a wealthy minister like Bishop Jackson needed an offering of $1,000 or $300 from each member of his congregation when he himself was rich and lived in a large house and drove a Rolls Royce. You can hear Zeek’s response in the video below.

For more information on the activist group, New Era Detroit, please click on the links below:



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Another televangelist is asking his followers to buy him a $54 million private jet

Remember Creflo Dollar asking his church to buy a $65 million private jet for him a few years ago? Well, it appears he is not the only televangelist that is entitled to a private jet.

The latest pastor to make such a ridiculous request is Jesse Duplantis. At least he is only asking for $54 million.

To read more about this click here.

Pay to Pray? Tampa Church Sends $1,000 Collection Notice To Single Mother For Unpaid Tithe

A Florida woman was sent a delinquency notice from her Tampa church, stating that she either had to pay $1,000 in tithe or find another church to worship.

Candace Petterson had been attending the aptly-named Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church for about six months, following her move to the Tampa area. Then last week, she received a letter from the church, reminding her to pay up or else.

“To be a member in good standing and have the right to vote, adults are to contribute the minimum amount of $50 per month.”

The single mother, who at first felt blessed for finding a place of worship near her new home, was now stunned to realize that the church considered her a delinquent due to her lack of financial support.

“Fifty dollars per month, now this shocked me because I haven’t heard about the $50 per month. So where did this come from?” asked Petterson. “Then Mount Moriah day is on there, $150.”

The church also asked her to pay $250 for a yearly anniversary fee, in addition to other miscellaneous fees — some of which were specifically requested to assist with paying off the church’s debt — and this amounted to the annual $1,000.

“What church charges you to help pay off what they’re going through?” Petterson asked. “I’m not there for that.”

The notice also stipulated that children, which would include her 11-year-old daughter, are required to pay a monthly fee of $5, as well as a twice-yearly fee of $15.

Furthermore, Petterson was reminded that high school graduates, unless they’re in college, are required to make donations to the church as adults.

“When a member graduates from high school, they are required to contribute as an adult unless they are [in] college. Once and individual graduates from college, or enter graduate school they are required to contribute [as an] adult. If you are still in college, not graduate school, please provide a copy of your last semester grades to the administration to retain your youth status.

If you have moved, joined another church, or are having financial hardship, please contact your ward leader, or pastor Fulton. If you were placed on hardship, this has been extended for 90 days. You should make every effort to contribute the amount fully required.”

Understandably upset, Peterson posted a copy of the disturbing letter on the church’s Facebook page, where one “good standing” member took the time to chastise her for publicly complaining.

“I love my church and my pastor,” said member Bonnie Maxwell. “I know people have their opinions regarding the letter that was sent out to this young lady and put over social media. I don’t understand why so much negativity about paying a monthly assessment of $50 a month, that you already knew about. If you go to a club or a bar whatever you wish to call it every weekend, you are paying about $10 or maybe more to get in the door and then paying again for drinks.”

“As Christians we are required to be obedient,” she added.

Petterson told ABC Action News that the experience had left such an unpleasant taste with her that she’ll be be seeking a less exorbitant church to worship.

“It’s like you say to me, if you want to be a member of this church, you need to pay this,” she said. “If you want to find God, it don’t say anything like that in the Bible.”

To read more click here.

To listen to the interview the Tampa woman gave to a reporter click here.

20 Reason Why You Should Stop Tithing

List: 20 Reasons You Should Stop Tithing

Among pastors there is a terrible abuse of using law tithing to place the church back under the condemnation of the law. This must be stopped (Titus 1:11). Jesus taught the church of Paul’s dispensation a better way of giving without the law. 

Below are some reasons you should stop law tithing.

    1. We are not under the law of tithing
      Tithing was part of the law. We are no longer under it. (Rom 6:14)
    2. The law of tithing is weak
      A required tithe does not change the heart or the action. (Mat 23:23, Gal 4:9, Rom 8:3)
    3. The law tithe is beggarly
      Law tithing always requests more. It is not a gift. It is merely fulfilling an obligation (Gal 4:9)
    4. The church is not God’s covenant people
      The old and new covenants were made with Israel and Judah and so the requirements were never intended for Gentiles (Heb 8:8). Gentiles could be blessed by honoring Israel, and worshipping Israel’s God.
    5. There is no Levitical priesthood today
      The most popular tithe today is the tithe that went to the Levitical priesthood (Num 18:21). There is no Levitical priesthood today.
    6. The pastor does not replace the priest
      Preachers and teachers in the body of Christ church are not priests. Christ is the only mediator (1 Tim 2:5).
    7. We do not inherit Israel’s land
      The tithe given to the Levites was because they had no land inheritance (Numbers 18:21).
    8. There are no more temple sacrifices
      Since Christ paid it all there is no need to pay (tithe) someone else to do this service.
    9. The local church does not replace the temple
      Know ye not that you are the temple of God not your building! ( 1 Cor 3:16)
    10. The church does not observe required feast day celebrations
      It was three times a year in Deut 16:16. At certain feast days is where the tithes would be offered. One tithe even allowed you to stay home and spend it on what you desired (Deut 14:26).
    11. Law tithing requirements were greater than 10 percent
      Deut 14:28 is one example of the tithe on the increase every 3 years that was above the regular Levitical tithe. There are other required offerings also according to Mal 3:9.
    12. Physical blessings are no longer granted
      The law tithe taught physical blessings to Israel from God for tithing (Mal 3:10). Without a covenant with God, a priesthood, a promise, or a temple tithing for profit will not work.
    13. Christ has given the church all spiritual blessings
      Those blessings are in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 1:3)
    14. God provides all our needs without tithing
      Phil 4:19 says your needs are supplied according to his riches in glory in Christ. What you need is not physical it is spiritual.
    15. Law tithing obligates the doer to the entire law – Gal 5:3, James 2:10
    16. Peace with God is attained without tithing – Romans 5:1
    17. We work to provide for our needs in this dispensation
      Paul makes it clear that if we don’t work we don’t eat (2 Thess 3:10). Mat 6:11 and Mal 3:10 are not effective today. If we do not provide for our own today we are “worse than an infidel (1 Tim 5:8)
    18. The tithe was required
      Giving today is not “of necessity” (2 Cor 9:7). This is an important distinction between generosity and obligation.
    19. The law tithe places you under a curse
      If you do not continue tithing then you can be cursed (Gal 3:10)
    20. Christ has redeemed you from the law of tithing
      Law tithing represents ignorance or negligence of Christ’s cross (Gal 3:13, 1 Cor 1:17,Gal 2:21).

I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. ” – Gal 2:21

Why I don’t tithe

I came across this blog post and thought it was worth sharing.  Enjoy.

Why I Don’t Tithe II

I’ve written on why I don’t tithe before. The original comments from that post were lost in the site migration this past summer, but that post stirred up some pretty heated discussion and passionate thoughts on semantics, giving, and theology. My position remains, though, and I don’t see it changing. In fact, I ask the Holy Spirit regularly that He would not change my heart on it because to live open-handedly takes more faith for me than tithing regularly does. I want to put myself in positions that require more faith over less. I’d recommend you read this post as a preface before reading the post below.


Today I’d like to write a bit about how we should give and why I think it’s important not only for me, but for the Body of Christ.

We give humbly (Eph. 4.2) because we can never repay what He has done for us. That we are breathing and walking is grace enough, but that we spend eternity with Him? There is no cost too high. We are not repaying him by giving to others, but we are making a tangible expression to others of His love for us. Giving is tangible evidence that God has come down and changed our lives. We give of the overflow of that—even if the overflow feels only a trickle.

We give circumspectly (Mark 12:42-44) because it is possible to wrongly attribute worth to something that has no worth in God’s eyes or is priceless in God’s eyes. For example, the widow’s two pennies were worth more than the pharisees loud millions, not because the pennies could accomplish more, but because God determines worth, not man. We may be presented with a need in the amount of $2000, but can only give $200, so we ought to give the $200. God accomplishes His purpose, we just get to partake in the process.

We give joyfully (2 Cor. 9.7) because there is a need to be met and we are equipped to meet that need. What other reason should we need to give joyfully?

We give prayerfully (Rom. 12.15) because investing even two pennies into a need invests us in the brokenness of a situation. We acknowledge by giving that we are broken people in a broken world desperately in need of the Father’s care. So we do so prayerfully, not flippantly, because we need to feel a measure of the brokenness into which we’re entering. This is good for us.

We give quickly (Matt. 6.33) because the Kingdom of God is at hand. There is work to be done and we can help get it done.

Now I’m going to say something that might be mildly unpopular to talk about, but I think if we make it personal, it becomes very, very important to the health of the local church:

First let it be said that I work for a non-profit that brings the gospel to third world countries, rescues women/children from sex-trafficking, puts water wells in poverty stricken villages. I am not unaware of the needs of the nations, nor am I advocating that we ignore those needs (though I think the way the US gives needs a radical overhaul). Second let it be said that my salary is paid by men and women who are invested in the local church, giving regularly to their churches which in turn support us. So I am not in any way advocating that we stop giving to our local churches. I am on the giving and receiving end of this, and I will continue to invest in the nations and receive the blessing of those giving to their local church.

The Church ought to be the first place we invest our finances—not because we want to build bigger buildings or buy better communion crackers, but because the Church is not a building or a staff or a pastor or a program. The Church is you and me, and we might be pastors or teachers or writers or designers or engineers or laid-off or working three jobs or under some financial strain—but we are doing the work of the ministry. When I say the Church is the first place we invest, I’m not referring to an offering plate or joy-box—I’m referring to the people who make up the Church.

I want my brothers and sisters to do the work of the ministry. I want to lift up the hands that hang down, strengthen the feeble knees (Hebrews 12:12). Friends, I know how hard it is when you really don’t know how you’re going to make ends meet this month. But God knows how He’ll meet them. And He’s saved and equipped us for that purpose: to build up and unify the Church (Eph 4:11-14). The Church in turn then meets the needs of the world.

So look to your left and your right today. Which of your brothers and sisters are straining under the weight of financial pressure? You don’t have to meet all of their need, you probably can’t. But you probably can purchase today’s bread and maybe tomorrow’s too.

And are you perhaps in need of some bread yourself? Ask. Please ask. Ask the people who have committed to walk alongside you in life, not because you’re asking for a handout or because you feel they owe it to you. Ask because we all need bread we cannot buy and He has bought it for us with his broken body and poured out blood.

Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.
Isaiah 55

Why I Quit Tithing (and Why You Should Too)

By Larry Poole

Most people simply don’t understand tithing.

To many Christians, it seems like some sort of country club due. Another bill in the long list of monthly expenses.

Giving is supposed to be an act of worship that draws you closer to the heart of God.

Then why is it that the concept of tithing, giving the first 10 percent of one’s income, has become so divisive in the church?

Christians debate questions like:

Is tithing still even required? Wasn’t it an Old Testament law? Didn’t Christ abolish the law with His death and resurrection?

Should I tithe off the gross or net of my income?

Does God really expect me to tithe if I’m struggling in my personal finances?

I “tithe” my time to the church. Isn’t that enough?

These questions all have the same recurring theme—what’s the least I can give and still receive God’s blessings.

When you debate these questions, you totally miss the point.

Biblical generosity isn’t about giving the minimum. It’s about surrendering it all to an all-powerful, all-loving God. A God who gave everything in his son Jesus Christ (John 3:16).

Randy Alcorn said it best: “Giving affirms Christ’s lordship. It dethrones me and exalts Him.”


I used to write checks to my church that looked like this: $112.14.

To the penny. Nothing more. Nothing less.

“There’s my 10 percent God. Hopefully that’ll cover the upkeep in Heaven until my next paycheck. Now bless me.”

I didn’t get it.

God didn’t need my money.

He wanted proof that He was first in my life. He wanted me to trust Him completely. He wanted to grow my faith.

And yes, He wanted to bless my finances tremendously. But only if I trusted Him completely.

As I began to mature in my spiritual walk, it all started to make sense.

Everything belongs to God (Psalm 24:1). The more I trust Him with my finances, the more He can use me to reveal His glory. The more I get to be a conduit for His miracles, the more my faith gets to be tested and grown.

And that’s why I quit tithing.

Don’t hear me wrong. I still give the first 10 percent of my income to God through my local church. I think 10 percent is a great starting point.

But I’ve started asking a different question. A question that’s radically changing my life.

It’s no longer, “How much should I give?”

Instead, I’ve started asking, “How much should I keep?”

And I’m no different from you. I’m an average guy. I’m not a millionaire. I’m not expecting a windfall of cash from a rich relative any time in the near future.

I just recognize that my God is sufficient to meet and exceed all my needs.

I believe God when He says:

Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.“ (Malachi 3:10b)

When the Holy Spirit prompts me, I respond.

It’s simple.

I can’t say it’s always easy. But I can promise you that it’s taking me to spiritual heights I’ve never experienced before. The character of God is being revealed to me in a whole new way.

Is it possible that you’re limiting God with your giving?

Maybe you’re obedient with the first 10 percent, but completely unwilling when the Holy Spirit prompts you further.

Perhaps God is calling you to do more financially than you’ve ever done before.

Instead of being comfortable, maybe it’s time for you to give in a way that’s going to require FAITHagain.

It probably won’t be easy. But it will be worth it.

God doesn’t just want your first 10 percent. He wants your whole heart.

What are some ways God has used you as you’ve taken “faith steps” in your personal generosity? 

Larry Poole serves as the Director of Generosity for Northpark Church located in Raleigh, NC. He coaches pastors, churches, and individuals on the spiritual discipline of generosity. His passion is helping the local church become fully funded so that it can more effectively accomplish the Great Commission. You can connect with Larry on Twitter at @tweetlarrypoole or through his blog at www.larrypoolespeaks.com.More from Larry Poole or visit Larry at http://www.larrypoolespeaks.com

Top 10 Richest Pastors in the World

Taken from Richest Lifestyle

Top 10 Richest Pastors in the World

Rich List / October 7, 2014

A pastor is an ordained leader of a Christian congregation. Many pastors worldwide are serving humanity by providing guidance to people belonging to the community. Some of them have become very rich through their churches and other investments. These millionaire men of God are known all over the world. This list is based on Celebrity Net Worth and Forbes‘ evaluation.

Here is the top 10 richest pastors in the world as of 2014.

10) Joseph Prince – Net worth: $5 Million (Singapore)

This Singaporean pastor reportedly earned an annual salary of $550,000. Pastor Joseph Prince is the senior pastor of the New Creation Church in Singapore. The New Creation Church’s financial income was reported at $44.7 million US dollars in 2008. He hosts a religious program called “Destined to Reign.” He has addressed many congregations worldwide.

=9) Chris Okotie – Net worth: $10 Million (Nigeria)

Chris Okotie was a pop musician in the 1980s. He embraced the Bible and set up the Household of God Church, one of Nigeria’s most flamboyant congregations. He is an automobile lover and owns several posh cars which include a Mercedes S600,  Rolls-Royce, Hummer and Porsche.

=8) Matthew Ashimolowo – Net worth: $10 Million (Nigeria)

Matthew Ashimolowo’s Kingsway International Christian Center is the largest Pentecostal church in the United Kingdom. It has assets worth more than $40 million and earns profit of more than $10 million.

7) T.B. Joshua – Net worth: $15 Million (Nigeria)

Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua is Nigeria’s most powerful, controversial and philanthropic preacher. He heads the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), a congregation he founded in 1987. The christian minister, televangelist and faith healer is a big giver; his humanitarian works include education, healthcare and rehabilitation programs. He is the owner of Emmanuel TV, a Christian television network.

6) T. D. Jakes – Net worth: $18 Million (United States)

Bishop T. D. Jakes is the apostle/bishop of The Potter’s House, a non-denominational American mega-church that has over 30,000 members. His ministry’s annual revival MegaFest draws more than 100,000 people.

5) Billy Graham – Net worth: $25 Million (United States)

Billy Graham is a southern Baptist. He earned celebrity status when his sermons were broadcast on radio and TV stations all over the USA. He founded the Billy Graham Evangelist Association in 1950.

4) Creflo Dollar – Net worth: $27 Million (United States)

This American televangelist, pastor is also a Word of Faith teacher. He is a founder of the non-denominational World Changers Church International. He has built a multimillion dollar ministry on the message “It is the will of God for you to prosper in every way.”

3) Benny Hinn – Net worth: $42 Million (United States)

This Israeli-American televangelist earned wealth through his ministry and evangelical program. He is well-known for his regular miracle healing crusades, which are held in large stadiums in major cities and broadcasted in the TV.

2) Chris Oyakhilome – Net worth: $50 Million (Nigeria)

Chris Oyakhilome’s church Christ Embassy has more than 40,000 members, several of whom are successful entrepreneurs and politicians. This pastor’s diversified interests include magazines, newspapers, a TV station, a record label, hotels, satellite TV and real estate.

1) David Oyedepo – Net worth: $150 Million (Nigeria)

Bishop David Oyedepo is the richest pastor in Nigeria and the world. He is the founder of the Living Faith World Outreach Ministry. Ever since he founded this ministry in 1981, it has grown to become one of Africa’s largest congregations. He hosts three services every Sunday in The Faith Tabernacle. This prosperous pastor owns private jets and homes in the US and the UK.



Best Paid Pastors Make Hundreds Of Thousands To Millions Of Dollars Annually

Taken from Huffpost Religion

01/19/2012 05:39 am ET | Updated Jan 19, 2012

Jaweed KaleemSenior Religion Reporter, The Huffington Post

From church closings and foreclosures of houses of worship across the nation to the limited number of clergy jobs for new rabbis, imams and pastors, the recession has hit religious Americans just as it has affected the tens of millions of the country’s jobless.

Even before the recession, most spiritual leaders of small towns and big cities across the United States earned meager salaries, with annual pay for Catholic priests and imams ranging from $25,000 to $30,000 and the average Protestant pastor making $40,000 a year, according to a recent survey.

Yet, even in difficult times, some churches and pastors are soaring. While not a definitive guide, HuffPost Religion has has compiled a slideshow of some of the best paid pastors in America. For several, their high income comes not only from employment as pastors, but also from TV appearances, book sales and charity management.

For the lucky few, being a pastor can mean being a multi-millionaire.

To see slide show click best paid pastors.

Top 15 Richest Pastors In America (We promise that #1 will shock you)

Copied from etinside , January 19, 2016.

The business of religion for some can be a very profitable profession to enter. Most people think of that sentence in the spiritual sense, but this article is about the physical worldly dollar.

It might be argued that the reason why ministers are more likely to make money today is because they utilize more money making opportunities such as writing books, producing movies and speaking engagements.

Some of which make enough to have private planes (Eddie Long)  refurbished arenas as churches (Joel Osteen) and flourishing press houses (Rick Warren).

There will be many who will say that these pastors shouldn’t be making this much money. Before you judge, keep in mind that the average yearly household salary in The Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa is $422, so they could be saying the same about you!

This article is not to bash anyone, it is written to inspire you to dream bigger. If you are not interested in making money, then that is your choice but here are men and women who inspire others while achieving their dreams.

1. Kenneth Copeland

Net Worth $760 Million

He runs Kenneth Copeland Ministries. His ministry’s 1,500-acre campus is a half-hour drive from Fort Worth includes a church, a private airstrip, a hangar for the ministry’s $17.5 million jet and other aircraft, and a $6 million church owned lakefront mansion. He is very close to being a Billionaire even though he already claims billion dollar status.

2. Pat Robertson

Net Worth $100 Million

OPat Robertson launched the Christian Broadcasting Network in Virginia, and the network is now broadcast in 180 countries. In the late 80s, he ran for President, but was unsuccessful. He runs a number of large companies, including the Christian Coalition, a Christian Right organization that exists to raise monetary and public support for conservative political candidates.

3. Benny Hinn

Net Worth $42 Million

Israeli televangelist, Benny Hinn is best known for his regular “Miracle Crusades” – revival meeting/faith healing summits that are usually held in large stadiums in major cities, which are later broadcast worldwide on his television program, “This Is Your Day”.

4. Joel Osteen

Net Worth $40 Million

Joel Osteen is an author, televangelist, and pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He took over his father’s role as a pastor and televangelist, despite having very little formal religious training, in 1999. Since then, the Lakewood Church broadcast has grown exponentially and can be seen in 100 different countries.

5. Creflo Dollar

Net Worth $27 Million

American Bible teacher, pastor, and the founder of World Changers Church International, Creflo Dollar, is one of the most successful preachers in America.

6. Billy Graham

Net Worth $25 Million

Billy Graham is a Southern Baptist who rose to celebrity status as his sermons were broadcast on radio and television stations around the country. In 1950 he founded the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Within a few years the civil rights movement began to sweep the nation. Billy, who had never really thought much about the plight of African Americans was instantly inspired to help the cause. He began refusing to speak or appear at events that were segregated. He joined the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955 where he met and befriended Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1957, Billy invited Dr. King to join him during a 16 week Christian event held at New York City’s Madison Square Garden. This 16 week event attracted more than 2.3 million visitors from around the country and helped propel Dr. King and the Civil Rights movement into the mainstream conscience. Billy personally posted bail for Dr. King on several occasions after the MLK had been arrested during demonstrations. Billy Graham was also the official spiritual advisor to several Presidents including Nixon and Eisenhower. It has been estimated that during his lifetime, Billy’s sermons have reached an audience across television and radio of more than 2.2 billion people. He married his wife Ruth in 1943 and they remained together until her death in 2007.

7. Rick Warren

Net Worth $25 Million

Rick Warren founded Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California; it is now the country’s eighth-largest church. Warren is the author of a handful of books, including “The Purpose Driven Church” and “The Purpose Driven Life”. Warren believes in a five-point plan to bring global harmony to Earth; he calls it his “P.E.A.C.E. Plan”. It calls for planting churches, equipping servant leaders, assisting the poor, caring for the sick, and education. He and his wife aim to live on ten percent of their income and donate the rest to charity.

8. Bishop T. D Jakes

Net Worth $18 Million

Bishop Jakes lives in a $1,700,000 mansion, he has been called America’s best preacher and has been featured on the cover of TIME magazine. He is a writer, preacher and movie producer. Thomas Dexter “T. D.” Jakes, Sr. is the bishop/chief pastor of The Potter’s House, a non-denominational American mega church, with 30,000 members, located in Dallas, Texas.

9. Juanita Bynum

Net Worth $10 Million

Juanita Bynum is an American actress, singer, author, and televangelist. Her 1997 video and audiotape series, “No More Sheets”, catapulted her into the spotlight in Christian circles. The reprise of the program was one of the most popular portions of the “Woman, Thou Art Loosed!” Conference in 1999, and was attended by 52,000 people. She also organized the annual “Women’s Weapons of Power Conference” until 2006. She appears regularly on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, and has released a number of audiobooks and recordings of her sermons.

10. Joyce Meyer

Net Worth $8 Million

In 2005, she ranked #17 on the list of “25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America” by TIME Magazine.  In 2003, she and her husband started a television ministry which still airs today,Enjoying Everyday Life.Meyer only travels via private jet and responded to her critics by saying that she doesn’t have to apologize to anyone about her being blessed.

11. Rev John Hagee

Net Worth $5 Million

Pastor John Hagee net worth: Pastor John Hagee is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church. He lead the Trinity Church in the early to mid-70s, and then founded his own church, The Church at Castle Hills, in 1975. Since then, he has gone on to head one of the most wide-reaching and successful Christian organizations in the world. The Cornerstone Church now has 20,000 members, and he is the CEO of John Hagee Ministries, a Christian multi-media empire, the CEO of Christian Evangelism Television, and the National Chairman of Christians United for Israel.

12. Paula White

Net Worth $5 Million

Pastor Paula White is a Christian evangelist, teacher, author, and television personality. She became a Christian in the mid-80s, and went on to launch her own church with her then husband Randy White, called Without Walls International Church. The church, which was originally known as the South Tampa Christian Church, struggled during its early years, and the Whites lived off the kindness of the congregation and the government. The church eventually grew to 20,000 members. She hosts the popular show, “Paula White Today” on the Trinity Broadcast Network, and has published ten books.

13. Bishop Eddie Long

Net Worth $5 Million

Bishop Eddie Long is the senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a megachurch in DeKalb County, Georgia. When Long started as pastor for New Birth Church in 1987, there were 300 church members, which grew to 25,000. A best-selling author, Bishop Long’s captivating and powerful messages are captured in a number of books, including: It’s Your Time: Reclaim Your Territory for the Kingdom, The Elect Lady, I Don’t Want Delilah, I Need You, What a Man Wants, What a Woman Needs, Called to Conquer, Gladiator: The Strength of a Man and his most recent: 60 Seconds to Greatness: Seize the Moment and Plan for Success.

14. Bishop Noel Jones

Net Worth $5 Million

Bishop Noel Jones earned his Ph.D from the International Circle of Faith. He then became pastor of the Bethel Temple of Longview in Texas. In the mid-90s, he became the pastor of the Greater Bethany Community Church in Los Angeles, California. When he first became pastor, the church had 1000 members. Less than ten years later, the size of the church had grown exponentially, and the congregation had a membership of 17,000 people. An additional building was built to accommodate the number of parishioners. The church’s choir, the City of Refuge Sanctuary Choir, also released a successful gospel album in 2007. The album charted on the Billboard 200, and reached #1 on the gospel charts.

15. Minister Louis Farrakhan

Net Worth $3 Million

Louis Farrakhan reached his net worth through his leadership and brief musical career. Born Louis Eugene Walcott on May 11, 1933, Bronx, New York, he made a name for himself as the leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI) movement. Louis Farrakhan joined the organization in 1955, and he was instrumental in preserving the original teachings of the longtime NOI leader, Elijah Muhammad.

He was the man to stand behind the rebuilding of NOI, once it was disbanded by Elijah Muhammad’s son, Warith Deen Muhammad, who started the orthodox Islamic group American Society of Muslims. Farrakhan restored the name Nation of Islam for the organization in 1981 and went on to regain most of the Nation of Islam’s National properties like the NOI National Headquarters Mosque Maryam, as well as over 130 NOI mosques throughout America and the world. In the process, his controversial political views and outspoken rhetorical style have been either praised or widely criticized.

Black religious and social leader as he was, Farrakhan earned the tag “antisemite” by Southern Poverty Law Center. In October 1995, he led the Million Man March in Washington, D.C., where he called on black people to renew their vows to their families and communities. Today, Louis Farrakhan continues to be active in the NOI, but he has dramatically reduced his responsibilities due to health issues.

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