
Are you or someone you know struggling to pay tithe? Stop feeling pressured, guilt, shame, and condemnation about an outdated Jewish practice – and learn to be a cheerful giver!


Here is the biblical proof that will release you from the bondage of tithing in one book!

New Believer or Mature Christian…100% backed by scripture, The Tithing Conspiracy, in clear detail, totally disproves the false teachings and doctrines used to support tithing. This book is for Christians who are being hurt spiritually, emotionally, and financially by present day tithe teachings and the prosperity gospel.

The Tithing Conspiracy is more than a bible study about Old Testament and New Testament tithing practices. It is a conscious clearing ministry that will remove the curse of not paying tithe and unveil God’s true plan for Christian giving. You will walk away feeling relieved, confident, and with new spiritual awakening about a misunderstood practice.

Get your questions answered and learn:

  • Who started tithing and how did it begin?
  • Does the Bible command Christians to tithe?
  • What is God’s plan for how to financially support a church?
  • What should Christian stewardship look like today?
  • Will you be cursed if you don’t pay your tithe?
  • And much more!

You will also learn:

  • How and why preachers misinterpret scripture to sustain a tithing system not intended for Christians.
  • How the early Christian church and its leaders supported themselves without collecting tithes.


Unlike most books on this subject, The Tithing Conspiracy is written in an engaging, personal, and thought provoking tone that makes a difficult subject easy to understand.


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